How and Why

How is Clibu better than similar products, like Evernoteā„¢ for example?

  • You can work smarter with multiple Knowledge Bases open at once, each in their own Tab.
  • Work on and access different content in a Knowledge Base by having it open in multiple Tabs.
  • You don’t have to worry about content being outdated and out of sync as all content on all devices is updated in real time.
  • Categorize content using true hierarchical Tags, with instant rename and the same Tag name in multiple branches.
  • Add pop-up, moveable Notes to articles.
  • Add links to related articles to create a web of information.
  • Share and collaborate on content in real time with control over what other users can do.
  • You get a better user experience with the same User Interface on Desktops & Tablets.
  • Run Clibu on your own PC/Server along with its database when data privacy is a must. With optional access, sharing and collaboration from anywhere.

And in the future you will be able to:

  • Use Clibu offline without an Internet connection and synchronize back to the central server when online again.
  • Publicly or privately share articles with anyone, without them needing to be Clibu users.
  • And much more…

Why are we developing Clibu

As is often the case with software, it is to scratch our own itch. We spend a significant amount of time searching for information, to help us learn about new and better ways of doing things, to find solutions to problems etc.

Once found, we need to keep this information close at hand, so we can quickly refer to it at any time and from anywhere.

We also want to be able to embellish it with our own notes, links to related information and tag it so it is well organized.

And finally we want to share this knowledge with our colleagues and friends.

We’ve been quietly working on Clibu for the past 3+ years and are excited to have it released for you to use.

To read more about the development of Clibu and where it is heading, do read our Blog. You will also find a lot of information on the development of Surfulater, our Windows Desktop application which was the precursor to Clibu.